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Função MS Access Format()

❮ Funções do MS Access


Formate a coluna "BirthDate" para uma data longa:

SELECT Format(BirthDate, "Long Date") AS FormattedBirthDate
FROM Employees;

Definição e uso

A função Format() formata um valor de data com o formato especificado.


Format(value, format, firstdayofweek, firstweekofyear)

Valores de parâmetro

Parameter Description
value Required. The date value to format
format Optional. The format to use.
Format Description
General Date Shows value as a date based on the system settings
Long Date Shows value as a date based on the system's long date settings
Medium Date Shows value as a date based on the system's medium date settings
Short Date Shows value as a date based on the system's short date settings
Long Time Shows value as a date based on the system's long time settings
Medium Time Shows value as a date based on the system's medium time settings
Short Time Shows value as a date based on the system's short time settings
firstdayofweek Optional. Specifies the first day of the week. Can be one of the following values:
  • 0 = Use the NLS API setting
  • 1 = Sunday (this is default)
  • 2 = Monday
  • 3 = Tuesday
  • 4 = Wednesday
  • 5 = Thursday
  • 6 = Friday
  • 7 = Saturday
firstdayofyear Optional. Specifies the first week of the year. Can be one of the following values:
  • 0 = Use the NLS API setting
  • 1 = Use the first week that includes Jan 1st (default)
  • 2 = Use the first week in the year that has at least 4 days
  • 3 = Use the first full week of the year

Detalhes técnicos

Trabalha em: Do Acesso 2000

❮ Funções do MS Access