Gerador de cores W3.CSS

Com este gerador de cores você pode criar seus próprios temas privados.

Insira uma cor na caixa amarela abaixo ou selecione uma cor entre as cores do ano.


Exemplo de temas W3.CSS

Cinco terras

As Cinque Terre (cinco terras) são uma porção da Riviera Italiana. O litoral com cinco aldeias: Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola e Riomaggiore é um Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO.


Monterosso al Mare está localizado no centro de um pequeno golfo natural, protegido por um pequeno recife artificial, na Riviera de La Spezia. É a aldeia mais setentrional das Cinque Terre.


Vernazza é outra das cinco cidades da região de Cinque Terre. Vernazza é a quarta cidade em direção ao norte. Não tem tráfego de carros e é uma das mais verdadeiras "aldeias de pescadores" da Riviera Italiana.

Created Theme

#fefbf5 w3-theme-l5
#fcf2dc w3-theme-l4
#f9e6ba w3-theme-l3
#f5d997 w3-theme-l2
#f2cd75 w3-theme-l1
#efc050 w3-theme
#ecb535 w3-theme-d1
#e9ab18 w3-theme-d2
#ce9613 w3-theme-d3
#b08010 w3-theme-d4
#936b0e w3-theme-d5

Theme In Use:





The response to the animations was ridiculous.

Star Wars

People were excited for the new Star Wars movie.


The Avengers

A huge success for Marvel and Disney.


Generated CSS:

.w3-theme-l5 {color:#000 !important; background-color:#fefbf5 !important}
.w3-theme-l4 {color:#000 !important; background-color:#fcf2dc !important}
.w3-theme-l3 {color:#000 !important; background-color:#f9e6ba !important}
.w3-theme-l2 {color:#000 !important; background-color:#f5d997 !important}
.w3-theme-l1 {color:#000 !important; background-color:#f2cd75 !important}
.w3-theme-d1 {color:#000 !important; background-color:#ecb535 !important}
.w3-theme-d2 {color:#000 !important; background-color:#e9ab18 !important}
.w3-theme-d3 {color:#fff !important; background-color:#ce9613 !important}
.w3-theme-d4 {color:#fff !important; background-color:#b08010 !important}
.w3-theme-d5 {color:#fff !important; background-color:#936b0e !important}

.w3-theme-light {color:#000 !important; background-color:#fefbf5 !important}
.w3-theme-dark {color:#fff !important; background-color:#936b0e !important}
.w3-theme-action {color:#fff !important; background-color:#936b0e !important}

.w3-theme {color:#000 !important; background-color:#efc050 !important}
.w3-text-theme {color:#efc050 !important}
.w3-border-theme {border-color:#efc050 !important}

.w3-hover-theme:hover {color:#000 !important; background-color:#efc050 !important}
.w3-hover-text-theme:hover {color:#efc050 !important}
.w3-hover-border-theme:hover {border-color:#efc050 !important}

Private Themes

With W3.CSS, it is easy to customize an application with a private color theme.

You can link to a private theme in a <link> tag, or you can put the private theme in a <style> tag:



.w3-theme {color:#fff !important;background-color:#3f51b5 !important}
.w3-theme-light {color:#000 !important;background-color:#e8eaf6 !important}
.w3-theme-dark {color:#fff !important;background-color:#1a237e !important}

.w3-theme-l5 {color:#000 !important;background-color:#e8eaf6 !important}
.w3-theme-l4 {color:#000 !important;background-color:#c5cae9 !important}
.w3-theme-l3 {color:#000 !important;background-color:#9fa8da !important}
.w3-theme-l2 {color:#fff !important;background-color:#7986cb !important}
.w3-theme-l1 {color:#fff !important;background-color:#5c6bc0 !important}
.w3-theme-d1 {color:#fff !important;background-color:#3949ab !important}
.w3-theme-d2 {color:#fff !important;background-color:#303f9f !important}
.w3-theme-d3 {color:#fff !important;background-color:#283593 !important}
.w3-theme-d4 {color:#fff !important;background-color:#1a237e !important}

.w3-theme-action {color:#fff !important;background-color:#311b92 !important}
.w3-text-theme {color:#1a237e !important}
